Through our science research program, students will learn to design and conduct original research projects. The course is structured to teach research methodologies through literature reviews and laboratory experiences. We offer an exemplary learning experience that enhances students' knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values, enabling them to become contributing members of both our school community and society at large.
Course Requirements and Grading
College Recommendation Letter
If you have requested a college recommendation, you need to fill out the attached word document. Once you are done please email it back to me along with your resume at my school email address
Please send no later than June 15th
College Letter of Recommendation Student Information Form

Jeanette Collette
Science Research Coordinator
I am scheduled in the Research Room (Lab 10B) Periods 1E, 3O, 5E and 8O, but will be available by appointment anytime and afterschool until 4pm.
Class Information
Parent Night
Parent Letter
Science Fair Participation and Awards Policy
Class Handouts
Science Research Student Data Sheet